By TheScotchNoob
Awhile back (May 19, 2011) I tasted a 50ml sample bottle (plastic) of Chivas Regal (12 year-old) blended scotch. I hated it. After a few conversations I’ve come to realize that one cannot rely upon plastic miniature (or even glass, sometimes) bottles to deliver a representation of the actual product. Whisky companies either need to bottle these more carefully, or find an alternative way to distribute samples. Some people make brand loyalty decisions based on these things.
Anyway, I had an opportunity to sample the same whisky from a full bottle this holiday season. It’s not as bad as I originally made out. Below find my new tasting notes, and, for the sake of completeness, my original article:
Nose: White chocolate and golden raisins. A small amount of berry jam and a great deal of unadorned cereal grain. The nose is quite muted, and the prickle very mild. I wouldn’t call it elegant, but I would call it light. A dash of water brings out more grain, provoking a vodka-like dryness that I’m not fond of. I originally identified it as ‘sharp alcohol fumes’.
Palate: Vanilla. Custard and sugar cookies. Very mild fruit – dried cherries? And some nuttiness… hazelnut and a hint of milk chocolate. Somewhat thin body, but eminently smooth. A bit of water creates a honeyed note.
Finish: Medium-long. Bit of a woody twist, with some bitterness showing through. Nut skins. Malty while fading, and golden raisins.
Overall: It’s a very mild, very inoffensive blend with middle-of-the-road flavors. It’s quite smooth, if that’s all you’re looking for, and the price is right… sub $25 or so. Great King Street: Artist’s Blend is “better” in that its grain is better-integrated, its body is heftier, and it has more than just standard scotch flavor. It’s also $20 more per bottle. On the other hand, Johnnie Walker built its empire on “standard scotch flavor,” so it’s not my right to dismiss it. If you want something you don’t have to pay attention to for less than $30, you can’t go too wrong with Chivas 12, but I urge regular Chivas drinkers to expand their horizons with an occasional bottle of sub-$40 single malt.
I’m leaving the “Not Recommended” mark, partially because the miniature was truly unappetizing, but also because I feel that there are better alternative for the money. Teacher’s, Johnnie Walker Black, and Glenlivet 12 all have something extra for the same money, and Great King Street Artist’s Blend is simply better all-around for an extra chunk of change.
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