Saturday, February 22, 2014

Whisky I've Drank - Pinwinnie Royal Scotch Whisky 12 Years Old

This has been discontinued

By thescotchlife
Pinwinnie Royale is a blended whisky from Moffat and Towers Ltd. Once in a while, someone pulls out an old whisky that they got from a parent or friend that is so old no one is sure where it came from or what it is. Some time ago a family friend who knew of my interest in scotch offered me an old and odd bottle of whisky. The graphics were obviously dated and the bottle looks like it had aged more than the actual whisky. The name read Pinwinnie Royal Scotch Whisky and still had the advertising/marketing information with it. I was eager to try it and was very surprised to find it a very drinkable whisky.
This Easter I had it again at his house and googled it and promised him I’d find out some information about it. Turns out it’s a long discontinued whisky that was handed over from the original Pinwinnie distiller to Inverhouse and has since been discontinued. From the packaging and marketing, I think it is from the late 1960′s.
The whisky is surprisingly good, very soft and rounded. When I nosed it I thought it may be a Speyside product, I was happy to see I was somewhat correct in that. I actually enjoy drinking it and actually get a kick out of it being a bit odd. I love finds like this one, they are uncommon and for someone who is inquisitive its a fun pursuit to find out information about it. If you have any, enjoy, there isn’t any left! And yes, I do intend on getting the rest of the bottle from him, if not, I will just keep visiting.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Whisky I've Drank - Old Parr Silver

By Residenciais
Cowboy, porém gelado! É assim que OLD PARR SILVER®, o novo whisky que desembarca no Brasil em novembro, deve ser apreciado. Produzido na Escócia, OLD PARR SILVER é o mais novo integrante da família OLD PARR®, o segundo whisky Deluxe mais vendido no Nordeste. Só o Ceará consome 25% do volume da marca no País.
OLD PARR SILVER chega para agradar ao paladar de consumidores cada vez mais interessados em whisky de altíssima qualidade e é uma inovação da DIAGEO, multinacional detentora de marcas como JOHNNIE WALKER®, J&B®, OLD PARR®, BUCHANAN´S®, GUINNESS®, SMIRNOFF® e BAILEYS®.
O destilado chega para disputar os baldes de gelo nas mesas dos bares de Campinas, Ribeirão Preto e Fortaleza. A proposta inusitada está no DNA desse scotch. Diz a lenda que, durante um inverno intenso na Escócia, barris de um whisky raro e premium foram esquecidos na neve. Quando encontrados, o líquido ultra gelado que ficou esquecido maturou-se em um whisky suave. Inspirado nessa história, a master blender Caroline Martin desenvolveu OLD PARR SILVER.
OLD PARR SILVER é um whisky de sabor e aroma marcantes. De cor dourado intenso, no paladar é aveludado e cremoso com toques de baunilha e especiarias que trazem suavidade e doçura, finalizando com um toque defumado. No aroma, marcam presença frutas como passas, figo e pera. “OLD PARR SILVER passa por um processo de filtragem a -6ºC, o que lhe garante a suavidade. Os sabores de baunilha e especiarias, aliados ao equilíbrio de aromas cítricos e de pera, trazem suavidade ao paladar e se sobressaem quando o líquido é degustado puro e gelado”, convida Martin.
Além do sabor e aroma marcantes, OLD PARR SILVER tem a qualidade garantida pela tradição de OLD PARR, um scotch que já agrada ao paladar dos brasileiros. “OLD PARR SILVER é um whisky de alta qualidade e uma opção mais acessível em preço e sabor para quem busca degustar uma bebida premium na companhia dos amigos”, afirma Alessandra Liberman, gerente de Marketing de Inovação da Diageo no Brasil.
O novo scotch tem preço sugerido de R$ 99,90 e pode ser encontrado nas principais delicatessens e supermercados de Campinas, Ribeirão Preto e Fortaleza.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Whisky I've Drank - The Isle of Jura Aged 16 Years

By Connosr
First of all, I am reviewing the 75cl bottling at 43% abv, as opposed to the 70cl European bottling which is only available at 40% abv … and as a welcome surprise, the States finally gets a whisky break :-) Can anyone make any sense out of this … not that I am complaining ?
It was difficult to find much information about this 16-year bottling, online or anywhere else, other than, according to the bottle, it is of the Vintage Collection, and that it was distilled in paradise :) Jura 16 did however, win the Gold Best in Class at the 2010 IWSC Awards. And whether it has anything to do with the whisky or not, the Isle of Jura appears to be a facinating island; among the many other morsels of interest about the island, it was home to George Orwell, where his book 1984 is said to have been created.
Jura 16 is in the non-peated, non-wine-matured single malt category, which are characteristically light, and to many connoisseurs, usually uninteresting. But this one is different, and stands at least a shelf above … read on please.
Bottle Nose: Very lovely and enticing deep, caramel, toffee, totsie roll candy, fudge and dried fruit … quite a sensuous solicitation.
Glass Nose: Grassy, a little citrus and generic chemicals, with a hint of peach or orange … nobody home. Now add a drop of water, and we get a bit of a miracle of sweet, creamy aroma, maybe like bananas-foster with brown sugar butter syrup.
Palate: During the first sip, you are flooded with a burst of lucious sweet, creamy, honey, mild spice, and some peppercorn. No water needed here. It is really good to savor this for a while, before going on to the finish.
Finish: Pleasantly warm and satisfying medium and moderately spicy finish … ummmm.
Conclusion: This is a sweet, smooth, creamy, buttery malt, with a good bit of depth, character and complexity. This medium-bodied whisky is assertive and confident, and not a light or wimpy entry-level malt. I feel that when I approach Jura 16, I’m going to be wined, dined and pampered.
I had difficulty finding anything in my cabinet with which to compare. I adore my Glenmorangie Original 10, but Jura 16 is sweeter and creamier … same goes for Glenfiddich 15. Balvenie 15 Single Barrel is a very close contender in other ways, but not as buttery and luscious. And of course, Jura 16 is a shelf above all of my other 12-year malts. I have not tasted anything in this category that surpasses Jura 16 … but OTOH, I have not tasted all that many 16-year Speyside-type whiskies. Any recommendations ?
The final problem is that Jura 16 has become on of my favorite malts and is already half gone. Also from Jura, their Superstitution expression, has for some time, also been a favorite … in the luscious intriguing mild-peat-balanced category. It seems that, so far, the Isle of Jura seems to distill my kind of malts !
Score 88/100 in its non-peated, non-wine-finished category.